Because a Problem Moaned About is a Problem Halved.

Friday 21 March 2008

Religion of Peace? Yeah, Right.

I came across this article whilst browsing the Spectators website and it left me seriously depressed but hardly surprised. Anyone who criticizes Islam is instantly an intolerant racist and deserving of a fatwah being issued. Intolerant, one word that is very apt to level at Muslims. As far as they are concerned the rest of the world should be bowing to their religion and anyone who disagrees should be killed. The UK and most other Western countries are suffering a huge deluge of Islamic immigrants who have no interest in conforming to our ideals, they expect us to conform to theirs. The only time they would embrace peace is when the whole world has been conquered by them. An awful lot of noise is being made about the so called 'moderates' and this is most misleading. They still want a global dominance of Islam, would still prefer to live under shria law and still call foul when ever something they perceive as anti-Islam is said/written. In this country today we are being lectured by the Government on how we can all co-exist together. Rubbish. Muslims do not want co-existance, they want dominance, and the problem is that we keep bowing to pressure from them, people are to scared to stand up and say that if you want to live under Islamic law then to leave this country. If they want to attack churches then fine, but in that circumstance all mosques in the UK should be closed down and the preaching of this dangerous and hateful religion be illegalised. Any attempted attack on UK soil should be deamed as treason and any Immam preaching hatred should be instantly deported with no chance of appeal. 9/11 showed the true colours of this reiglion, that the murder of innocent people is acceptable to further the spread of Islam, as the Quran preaches.
Oh and if you think that the founder of Islam has simply been misrepresented and mis-understood over the years then try reading this. What would Muhammed do?
This is not a call for violent action and certainly not advocation for any sort of illegal activity but unless the people of the west wake up take a more vocal approach to denouncing this deeply unplesant religion then we are in for a great deal more trouble.

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