Because a Problem Moaned About is a Problem Halved.

Friday 14 March 2008

Proud Europeans

Are you British? Bad luck, not much to be proud of anymore. If you answered "No! I'm European" then why? Last time I checked we hadn't drifted 20 odd miles southwards and collided with France. It's the equivalent of telling a Kiwi he's really Australian or a Canadian that they are actually North Americans. Doing either of these things will guarantee a trip to one of the NHS's finest.
Let's get things straight. Europeans (the Dutch aside) don't actually like us. Sure we sorted things out a few years back when a small, vegetarian Austrian with a bad moustache decided that what Germany really, really needed was an Empire. But those past deeds hold little sway with your average Frenchman nowadays. This is partly our own fault. France exports cheeses and wines, Italy, beautiful cars and foods, Spain, whatever it is they export and us, well we export football hooligans and lager louts.
We recently signed over the remainder of our sovereign rights to the European Parliament but will this benefit us in any way? Of course it won't. Mainland Europe see the Parliament as an organization to be sponged off and manipulated in any way possible and usually ignore it if in any way possible. Meanwhile in the UK we slavishly follow it's every command and directorate.
The French love us so much they built all their nuclear power stations on the north coast, so guess where any fallout would end up. The Italians, despite having gone through about 45 hoplessley corrupt and innefficient Governments in the last 50 odd years have a way of life second to none. The Spanish don't actually seem to do anything worthwhile but are still a major player in Europe. The UK has rising costs, a collapsing health service, homegrown terrorism and out of control illegal immigration.
The main idea behind this European 'Super State' is as a counterfoil to US military and economic power, we must be crazy to agree to this, why not just join America instead? At least we (nearly) speak the same language. Besides, has no one here noticed we are slap bang between the increasingly hostile Russia and power crazed USA, great, this is a safe place to be, if you live 2 miles below the surface in a concrete bunker.
New Zealand and Australia, probably the only safe places to be now, mainly because no one cares very much about them, but that's a small price to pay. See you on the next flight.

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