Because a Problem Moaned About is a Problem Halved.

Thursday 13 March 2008

Moan, bitch etc

Cheerful. Reading about my moan-du-jour when you could be doing something useful with your life. And todays pet hate is the budget, for all non Brits and other strange creatures, this is when our beloved Chancellor tells us how much cash he's going to be screwing out of us for the next few months. Surprise surprise I'm going to be financially worse off, again. Single male in late twenties with a distinctly average wage and a fondness for tobacco, that's me buggered then. Seriously, unless I can get myself sponsored by Marlboro I may have to give up the ciggies, which means less tax for the Government, this is why I find it hard to believe they really want us to stop smoking.
I know we are supposed to be about to go into a worldwide recession, inflation will rocket, house prices will tumble and we'll all end up becoming like Mad Max rejects, hunting the blasted wastelands of earth with only a picture of Gordon Brown for company (now there's an unpleasent image), but are we allowed no cheap vices nowadays? The answer is of course no, anything remotely bad for our health is taxed to the hilt and people who indulge in them end up being treated like social lepers, just try lighting up on a station platform and see how long you last before being pushed in front of a passing train by a socialy inadequete 'Platform Manager' or whatever the hell these jumped up idiots are called nowadays. Of course I jest, this would never happen, because the trains never bloody run!
So I had little money last year, even less this year, civilization as we know it is about to collapse and Bionic Woman got cancelled. There's a light at the end of the tunnel alright and that's because someone set fire to it.

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