Because a Problem Moaned About is a Problem Halved.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Lies, Damned Lies

So Hillary Clinton was 'misspeaking' when she claimed that she came under fire on a trip to Bosnia in the mid 90's. I don't know what is the more stupid, coming up with this story or actually thinking she may get away with it. Pictures have emerged showing that there was no sniper fire and she did not have to hurl herself behind the nearest Secret Service agent (possibly much to her dismay).
As a Brit it is easy to become absolutely baffled by the American election process. Watch Clinton and Obama hurl abuse at each other and it is easy to forget that they are in the same political party. Clinton is known for her crocodile tears and being married to Big Bill, a President whose popularity she could only dream of emulating, whilst Barack Obama has a past so murky that he makes Howard Hughes look like Hugh Hefner. Lets face it, either of the Democratic candidates would promise pretty much anything to gain the Presidency and both have the gleam of megalomania in their eyes.
In the end it really doesn't matter what policies the candidates have, people the world over tend to vote with their hearts and not their minds so the entire charade boils down to a 'character contest', and as we've seen in the past, it's not always the candidate with the most vote who becomes President. At least no one else could be as inept as George W.

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