Because a Problem Moaned About is a Problem Halved.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

Parental Advisory....Explicit Stupidity

There's something rotten in Soho Square, yes the BBFC are at it again. Somehow the memo that they are a now completely redundant and anachronistic institution failed to land on their desk and talks are happening in Parliament to strengthen and regulate our beloved censors years after they ceased to have any real function. All this come in the wake of Rockstar fighting and beating an attempt to ban their Manhunt II game, and our moral guardians are up in arms due to the imminent collapse of civilization as we know it. The last time we had an uproar of this scale was with the Bright Bill in 1984 that bought the home video under regulation and implemented one of the strictest censorsorial institutions in Europe, if not the world.
Nearly any crime nowadays is, if you are the Daily Mail, a direct result of violent video games, horror films and Heavy Metal. Rather then take a look at the disappearance of family values and the increasing number of near-feral kids running amok on council sink estates with out any parental supervision or control, we are being told that the media is to blame. Crap. There has never been one single proven link between music/films and crime despite what cod psychologists with a definite social agenda, like Dr Clifford Hill, would have us think.
The Columbine Massacre, the murder of James Bulger. Both have been linked with music, film and games without any real evidence (in fact in the Bulger case the link was totally discredited by the judge presiding over court case).
Now a new report has been commissioned and handed to Dr Tanya Byron and it will focus on how the internet and video games can warp the fragile little minds of the nations kiddies. Will this be a fair, subjective and un-biased report? Somehow I don't think it would have ever been started if this was going to be the case and I strongly suspect that it will turn out to be a deeply flawed clone of the Professor Newson study back in the 80's that concluded, again with deeply suspect 'evidence' , that there was a link between violence and the media.
I started this by saying that the BBFC had no power anymore. Why? Broadband + Torrents. Simple really. If something is banned then it can easily be downloaded, handily bypassing customs and the censors. I've managed to track down pretty much every 'Video Nasty' banned by the BBFC and with stores like Amazon shipping worldwide and the fact that customs really couldn't give a flying fuck about people importing horror films these days, it really is very simple.
I'm off to play some Doom whilst listening to Marilyn Manson and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre playing in the background. If you see me on Crimewatch next month then at least you'll know I was wrong (or willing to suffer for the sake of irony).

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